Susa's life in Vancouver

Friday, June 23, 2006


I have had a phobia of sharks for as long as I can remember. They fascinate me, but I'm scared of them and have dreams that they are trying to eat me.

One of my favorite movies is "Deep Blue Sea"... I love shark movies... and really this whole fear of sharks didn't matter b/c there are no sharks in Alberta so feeding this fear with shark movies was not a problem... until now.

(Well, it was sort of was a problem when I was learning to water ski at moose lake and I felt a fish rub my leg - I freaked out b/c all I could think of was it was a shark coming for me...)

Now that I live by the ocean... I'm scared to go into the water b/c the sharks will eat me... and if isn't the shark - it'll be the sea lion or octopus... b/c both have been found off the shore here in Vancouver.

"Under the glassy surface a world of gliding monsters" - quote from the movie.

so.... how do I get over this life long phobia????
I need to get over it - and it needs to be soon

Our new mechanic here in Vancouver is a surfer dude and he has invited us to go sailing on the ocean in July.
I won't be able to go b/c I'll be too freaked out that the shark will come and eat the boat - like in the movie - deep blue sea....


I Mean.... PERCHED...

The bird was PERCHED on his shoulder...

**Read previous entry***

(Thanks to the anonymous commenter for pointing that out to me :))

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Big Birds

I saw a most interesting sight today as I was stopped at a red light.

In the cross walk in front of me a fine looking gentleman rode past me on his bike - sitting totally upright - had a BIG bird - A parrot I think - parched on his shoulder.

It was a bizzre sight indeed!!!

You never know what you'll see here in Vancouver!

Monday, June 19, 2006

REJECTed & Defeated

So first - Defeated.... our amazing Oilers... defeated... HOW????????????



I tried to give Jan love tonite-- give her a kiss and pat her bum and she rejected the love - PUSHED ME AWAY...

ALL THIS IN ONE NITE!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!



So our fish PEE PEE caught some sort of fungus from the tank... and so now he has to swim in green water...
He had white chunks of cotton falling off of his body... and basically looked like he had leprosy.
So, now we have to change the water every 3-4 days and put green tablets in it that look like they are cleaning dentures when they dissolve.

Hopefully with all this TLC PEE PEE lives and we won't have to arrange any funerals. I don't think he has a will done up!

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Beer... Hockey... Wings...

Only one game away from the CUP!!!! How exciting... now if only the boys had gone to the finals when I was working for the OILERS! FREE GAMES to the stanley cup playoffs!!!! I can only imagine --- sigh.

well this playoff season has consumed our lives... we book the games into our schedules and work around game times. We go to our usual place - "THE FIREMANS PUB" located 1 block away. We get our usual substance... Chicken Fingers and pitchers and pitchers of BEER!

I'm already dreading the hockey withdrawal... WHAT are we going to do after Monday when we WIN the cup and hockey is over???

WELLLLLLLLL I guess we could go hang out at the beach dipping our toes in the ocean, trek's up to light house park, stanley park, white rock, Victoria, go surfing in Tofino, sailing, hike up the mountains....... hopefully we won't get too bored!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Gas........... Caps.

This week a light came on in my car's dash board... not sure what it was a symbol of so I looked it up in the car instruction guide book... It said that the light meant, "check engine".
Oh huh.... sooooo it could be the transmission or just that the gas cap is not screwed on tight enough... but a diagnosis has to be done.

So, once again my car is sick... first it had bad breath, now it could have a tumor or maybe it's cancer...

After much gnawing at my stubby finger nails and pulling of a few of my hairs the computer had the results....

And the verdict IS:


who would have thought that the car check engine light would be because the gas cap was not screwed on tight enough.

Well.... my very cool surfer dude mechanic cut me a deal and only charged med $20 for the test and invited me to go surfing and sailing on his boat this summer. nice!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Life is Weird...

Have you ever really sat down and thought about "LIFE"?
It's so weird... every aspect of every component of everything we do... it all feels so surreal.
getting up... sleeping... peeing... blinking... eating... showering... sweating... crying... love... hockey... working...

Did I take the blue pill by mistake this morning?

Today as I was sitting in the Burnaby public library listening to Jason Upton watching all the people around me - everyone absorbed in their own things... some studying, some sleeping, some staring into the distance... I thought to myself - what is the meaning of life.
Who would have thought even 6 months ago that I would now be living in Vancouver... that's so weird. Almost 30 and not dating anyone or married...

I feel like I'm living in the matrix... Life is weird. Especially if you think about it too hard.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Pee Pee

We have a pet fish named Pee Pee... He's a Beta. He is in memory of our other roommate Katie... also known as Pee Pee.
Something is wrong with our fish tank and there is brown fuzzy stuff growing on the side of the tank. The brown stuff is overtaking the tank. I wonder if we leave it long enough it will eat Pee Pee up.

I've changed the water a couple times but it doesn't seem to help. Within days the brown stuff is back. I think there is a disease in the tank. Perhaps if I change the rocks....
I don't know what else to do.


There is something so soothing about James Bond... or perhaps it's Pierce Brosnan...
Watching his sexy fit body do those crazy stunts cures any ounce of depression like chips with dill pickle dip after a really bad day at work.

Even after watching the movie so many times that I could recite it word for word, I continue to watch it again, and again, and again... it's like an addiction. So, am I addicted to the action or to the character? Is this just an escape from real life or is it filling some deep need?

Either way... no doubting that James is one sexy womanizing dude!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

A Scary Day for Jan. (aka Poo Poo Head)

Today I was at the office in a boring meeting...
It was like in the Snoopy cartoon when the teacher is talking and all you hear is, "wrah blah warh blah...."
and a blinking icon on my computer caught my attention.
It was Jan MSN'ing me in a traumatized state...

She was at lunch downtown in a little secluded park - her sanctuary - she was reading her book, basking in the sun, no on around... when a crazy man came sneaking into her little area...
He pulls out a gun, points it at her, and then laughs...
Jan - with her cool sunglasses on - playing it non-chalant - is traumatized.

But don't worry we're not moving away... men with guns, rats chewing on our toes... will not deter us from leaving this beautiful amazing city!