Susa's life in Vancouver

Sunday, August 06, 2006

500,000 people... no place to pee


500,000 people all sitting in .5 km radius of sand... waiting to see bursts of sparkling lights raining from the sky...

I have never had to pee so badly in my life. BUT I was trapped. I had to hold it. By the end of the hour show I was so desperate I was going to go in the ocean, but there was a helicopter patroling the endge of the beach with a spot light... needed find an alterantive place. BUT where?!?!? with 500,000 people all pushing to get out... It was like a herd of cattle stampeding for freedom. Alas - the port-o-pottie... I have never been so glad to lock myself in a confinde space that reaked and was filthy... It was RELIEF! Thank God for outhouses :)

This is one adventure I'm glad I had - but not sure if I'll do again.


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