Sharks... Part 2
So... from a past blog entry I spoke about my fear of sharks...
With all the wisdom and help from my faithful readers I was able to get past my phobia.
Actually it wasn't from their wisdom - it was from the education I got from National Geographic videos on sharks.
I was at the Burnaby
Well it turns out that these fish are not the mean man eating machines that they are made out to be but really are just sweet nice BIG fish with razor sharp teeth.
There was also a video on rats... not ready for that one yet... one phobia at a time!
The poor, sweet, misunderstood sharks! Most people don't realize that sharks are our friends. Our real enemy is the dolphin!
Sharks are supposedly known for having razor-sharp teeth and are frequently compared to vermin when the area inhabited by onle lonely shark is referred to as "shark-infested". The truth is that sharks are constantly losing their teeth whereas dolphins inflict horrible injuries through their incredibly powerful "nose-butts". A single dolphin can take on several sharks at once, and win!
I have even heard stories of sharks coming to the rescue of people who have falen overboard only to be savagely attacked by cruel Bottlenose Dolphins. They take great delight in showing unheard-of cruelty toward the poor, gentle sharks, causing tremendous soft-tissue damage.
Remember, sharks are our friends!
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