Susa's life in Vancouver

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Did you know?

...that EVERYTHING looks different in the DARK!!!!!

Once again, me, myself, and I took a little journey to light house park... currently my favorite spot - until I discover a new one.

Arrived at the cliff side by 7:30 p.m. - in time to watch the sun set... even took some pictures:

Saw a seal poke his head up and peak around!

So, Me and I said to Myself that we should probably get going... but Myself said, no lets just hang out a few more minutes.
Then Me persisted we should go... so around 9:45 p.m. Myself and I start packing it up... it was getting a little dusk like and we still had a 20 minute hike back out through the forest to the car.

Well......... the forest doesn't look the same in the dark.

LOST... so so so lost!
All I could think about was the bear warning sign I saw on the way in.

Me and I were in a panic... Myself was the calm one...
Eventually - stumbled upon the enterance. Got the in car with a huge sigh of relief.

Wow - another great adventure at light house park!


At 3:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Sus! Check out this blog:
You're not alone!!
heehee :)


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