Susa's life in Vancouver

Saturday, August 19, 2006


So, first it's sharks... then rats... AND NOW SNAKES!!!

I saw my first WILD SNAKE yesterday!

I have only ever seen snakes at the zoo... I've never seen one in the wild!
Yesterday I was on a nice walk out at Ambleside (The Seawall in West Van)
This snake was slithering on the path... actually the sidewalk.

I couldn't breath. The friend I was with had grown up in South Africa so she didn't even flinch. I grabbed her arm SO hard and started backing up slowly pulling her along with me...

Finally the snake slithered on into the grass... my breath slowly returned into my lungs.

Wow... Vancouver is full of many first time experiences!


At 3:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

eeww!! I think I hate snakes the most (even more than spiders!)

At 9:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scott and I had 3 wet dogs jump all over our pillows and blankets multiple times on the beach yesterday. Sand everywhere. Their owners did nothing. We thought of you. :)

At 7:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you want to become more comfortable with snakes, there is this movie with airplane full of wild snakes that go crazy attacking everyone, but they can't do anything cause they're on a plane and can't land because the pilots were killed first.

It should cure your fear of snakes, flying and bad movie plots.

At 9:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not just bad plots - BAD TITLES, isn't that the one that was so 'creatively' named "Snakes on a Plane"?

At 12:28 PM, Blogger Mike said...

Bad title, yes. But good therapy for confronting several, deeply entrenched phobias at once.

The movie would be perfect if the PA system was playing southern gospel music and they couldn't turn it off.

Of course I would be deeply in need of a plane to confront my fears of steak and lobster washed down with a pint of ale.

At 10:57 PM, Blogger Susa The Great said...

You guys are so funny... Now I'm going to have to watch that movie - just because!


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