Susa's life in Vancouver

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


That Bill Gates... I have to say he's a smart man! Next to inventing "Windows" I'd have to say his next best invention is "SAFE MODE".... That which I'm currently using.

SAFE MODE is for those who don't regularily back up their computer and need to get back into it when it crashes! AKA - ME!

Although I can't print or sync my palm pilot I'm able to burn disks of all my files before I wipe my corrupt hard drive clean.

sigh... yes SAFE MODE you have saved my life.

Thank you Bill Gates... Thank you!


At 6:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe if you used a MAC, you wouldn't ever have the need for this "safe mode"....see, that's Gates' poison, lulling you into a false sense of security. Why'd it break down in the first place? ;-)

At 3:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep your PC and intstall Linux. Mac OSX is based on Linux, and you don't need new hardware. Best of all Linux software is free!!

You must know some geeks who would love to come over and install Linux!

At 4:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It crashed because it's a PC. I'm glad Bill Gates went into the computer industry instead of designing commercial jets. Get a Mac! Or Linux. Does Linux come with a security blanket, too, like the character in Charlie Brown? Ohh....sorry, that's "Linus". Well, MS operating systems should come with a blanket in the box, in any case, because all I hear from PC users is a lot of whining and crying.


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