I live in IRAQ... or so it feels like
For those of you who have never lived in Vancouver here is a reason why NOT to move here...
All week we kept hearing what sounded like gun shots... and we for sure thought it was - b/c this is Vancouver you know... many shootings...
As the week progressed it was happening more and more - and so I thought - can't be THAT many shootings happening...
It was happening so often I was starting to feel like I was in Iraq. Driving down the street the shot gun sound would go off and I felt like I was in a drive by shooting...
BUTTTTTTTTT I guess Vancouver has a thing about Halloween and fireworks.
It's even WAY bigger than Canada Day. The entire city (2.5 million people minus me and Jan) buys fire crackers and fire works and just sets them off all night for the week of Halloween.
I'm so used to it now I don't flinch anymore... I think I could live in Iraq after this!!
(Just joking I take that back... I don't want to live in Iraq)
This is a picture of me Sat nite... I was a bat for halloween... yes I'm flying on the light fixture!

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