Yes -- as the snow has begun to fall in AB the rain has started to fall here in Vancouver.
We are on the brink of the rainy season... and you know what?!?!?!
I'M GOING TO LOVE IT!!! I was made for this climate. I love rain... I'm going to write a song about rain...
here is a picture to express how I feel about the rain:

Looks like you really enjoy rain. You must be made for Vancouver. Or, what were you really laughing about?
I must admit that I watch the snowfall in Alberta with certian smugness as we were suffering in the GTA at 26C.
You laugh now with an "I-live-in-Vancouver-there's-no-snow-here-I'm-off-my-meds" laugh, but I note you are completely dry in this picture. I think you are laughing AT the rain. The rain is patient; the rain will have its revenge.
The day will come when you have a hole in your shoe, or step up to the knee in a puddle because you can never tell how deep they are from the top. You may be caught in a downpour without an umbrella, and receive a rain-soaked head on your way to work, and walk into your cubicle gwishing on each step, shivering the rest of the day due to the rain down your back.
You will rue the day you moved away from snow and 40 below. Much rue-age, indeed.
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