My second blog... and my second nite on the town

Well, it was an interesting day.... I was once again stuck at home waiting for Telus to come fix our phone... and who shows up but two young men... (it's raining men...) and the one Telus guy asks me out... and asks for my cell # (co policy that he couldn't call me on my home line)....
BUT before venturing out with Mr T (as we nicknamed him) I took my first trip to Metro Town... which is the huge mall in our back yard... I would say very close to West Ed. WOW I felt very little in the big mall... felt very American...
The best part of this shopping outting was coming home with the goodies... in our apartment we have shopping carts in the parkade and so we can unload everthing into this shopping cart and drive the cart right into your suite... I drove my groceries right to the fridge... WOW no carrying heavy bags of milk and Javex 2!
Tonite... out with Mr T... first to Cambie pub... yikes... signs say, "pitchers can only be purchased if being shared with 2 or more people" - something like that... now what does that say for the place. Met a very cute young young boy... 21 from Austraila... who lived in Indonesia.... but couldn't talk long b/c Mr T was getting jealous...
Then off to plaza... was good... but had to bring the nite to an abrupt end.... not sure if it was the greasy fries or the fact that I'm getting old!!!
Anyway, here is a great picture of our sunset tonite here on the coast!
Congrats on the new moving-out-of-Edmonton blog! Looks like a fun place to live, right in the Sky Train corridor.
Keep it up and don't get writers block like me.
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